Theory of motives, homotopy theory of varieties, and dessins d'enfants

This web page highlights some of the conjectures and open problems concerning Theory of motives, homotopy theory of varieties, and dessins d'enfants.

If you would like to print a hard copy of the whole outline, you can download a dvi, postscript or pdf version.

A list of participants is available.

Also available is a preprint by Jack Morava on The Motivic Thom Isomorphism, and a preprint by Rick Jardine on Fibred sites and stack cohomology.

  1. Workshop talks
    1. Motivic spaces and the motivic stable category, by Rick Jardine
    2. Stacks and homotopy theory, by Rick Jardine
    3. Pure motives, by Bruno Kahn
    4. Motivic Galois groups, by Bruno Kahn
    5. The Grothendieck Teichmuller group, by Leila Schneps
    6. Curve complexes, Tensor categories, fundamental groupoids, by Leila Schneps
    7. Five Lie algebras, by Leila Schneps
    8. Homotopy types of algebraic varieties, by Bertrand Toen, and handwritten notes
    9. Mixed motives and Mixed Tate motives by Marc Levine (handwritten notes)
  2. Outline of open questions dvi, ps, or PDF.