MTC Network

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Research on Math Teachers’ Circles has recently begun to provide evidence about how the program affects middle school teachers. Some highlights of this research include:

  • Middle school teachers who participated in a weeklong intensive summer Math Teachers’ Circle workshop significantly increased their scores on a standard test measuring mathematical knowledge for teaching (White, 2011). Previous research has linked higher mathematical knowledge for teaching scores with increased student achievement (Hill et al., 2007).

  • In a nationwide survey conducted in Fall 2010 (White & Donaldson, 2011), Math Teachers’ Circle participants reported increased enthusiasm for mathematics and use of interactive, student-centered problem solving in their classrooms. Many said the program has enabled them to see themselves as mathematicians. Teachers also reported that participating in a Math Teachers’ Circle has increased their belief that all of their students are capable of doing mathematics.

A summary of outcomes is available here.


Hill, H. C., Ball, D. L., Blunk, M. Goffney, I. M. & Rowan, B. (2007). Validating the ecological assumption: The relationship of measure scores to classroom teaching and student learning. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives (5), 2-3, 107-117.

White, D. (2011). Math Teachers' Circles - Impacting teachers' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Paper presented at the MAA Session on Fostering, Supporting, and Propagating Math Circles for Students and Teachers, I, Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Download slides

White, D., & Donaldson, B. (2011). How do Math Teachers’ Circles affect teachers? Themes from teacher surveys. Paper presented at the MAA Session on Fostering, Supporting, and Propagating Math Circles for Students and Teachers, I, Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Download slides


The Math Teachers’ Circle Network is a project of the American Institute of Mathematics.