Representations of surface groups

This web page contains material for the workshop Representations of surface groups.

Group photo(1.7 Meg) or another group photo(1.7 Meg)


Graeme Wilkin has started a surhace groups wiki.

Notes from the workshop

Teichmuller theory
Introduction to harmonic mappingss
Maximal representations by Burger
Parabolic Higgs bundle and representations by Buquard
Lifting representations to the mapping class group by Kotschick
Bounded cohomology
Energy functional discussion
Fock-Goncharov coordinates
Hecke correspondence
Narasimhan Seshadri theorem discussion group.

Reading material

The organizers have written some introductory material. (45 page PDF)

Introductory material on Hermitian symmetric spaces by Tobias Strubel.


Note: this glossary will be absorbed into the wiki. Changes may not be reflected in the final version
Participants are invited to conribute to a glossary of terminology related to the workshop focus.


A list of registered participants is available.

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