Welcome to the American Institute of Mathematics Math Teachers' Circle, which is in its third year of operation.

Every month from September to April (except December), the AIM Math Teachers' Circle will offer an evening event for middle school math teachers interested in exploring accessible, exciting topics in mathematics and learning about a problem-solving approach to teaching math. All teachers are welcome to attend; please contact us in advance so that we can have sufficient food on hand. (Dinner is complimentary.)

The events will typically be held at AIM, on a Thursday, 5:00-8:00 pm, as summarized in the following table.

September 25Alon AmitPoint Sets With Few Distances
October 23Tom DavisColoring (handout)
November 13Matt BeckGraph Coloring
January 29Tatiana ShubinFractions and Circles
February 26Matt BeckDual Polyhedra
March 26Tom DavisFractions, Decimals, and Infinite Series (handout)
April 23Tom DavisGeometry and Geography (handout)

You can apply to next summer's immersion workshop. You can also download our brochure.

Here are links to the archived sites of the 2006/2007 Teacher's Circle at AIM (the original Teacher's Circle!) and the 2007/2008 Teacher's Circle at AIM.