Arithmetic harmonic analysis on character and quiver varieties

This web page contains material for the workshop Arithmetic harmonic analysis on character and quiver varieties.

Material from workshop talks

Introduction to quiver varieties, by Nakajima

Weil conjectures and etale cohomology, by Katz

Characters of GL_n(F_q) by Lehrer

Notes on Green functions, by Michel

Degree 4 representation, by Lehrer

Mixed Hodge theory, by Katz

Hyper Kahler manifolds, by Hausel

Characters and polynomials(?) (lecture on Wednesday)

Reflection functors, by Crawley-Bovey

MacDonald, Kostka, and Hall polynomials, by Bergeron

Middle convolution, by Katz

Problem list from the group discussion

Hall algebras, by Schiffmann

Group actions, by Ram


A list of registered participants is available.

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